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Spray vs dropper for Minoxidil - is there a difference?

Both the spray and dropper forms of minoxidil can effectively promote hair growth and treat hair loss. At first glance, the spray seems easier to apply and more convenient. That said, there are a few reasons to believe that using minoxidil solution with a dropper is much more effective.

Advantages of minoxidil solution applied by a dropper over minoxidil applied by a spray or foam

1. The whole amount of minoxidil solution applied by a dropper reaches the root of the hair follicle, while most of the minoxidil applied with spray is wasted on hair strands, which can make the hair feel greasy.

2. The amount of minoxidil applied by a dropper can be measured accurately, while the spray cannot be measured.

3. Minoxidil sprayed over the head can reach the forehead and face, increasing the risk of growing unwanted hairs in these areas.

4. The FDA did not approve selling minoxidil spray for over-the-counter use. It is only available by an off-label prescription from a medical practioner.

5. Few companies are selling off-label spray bottles that combine minoxidil solution with Finasteride. Beware that the Finasteride solution was not approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss, and can cause congenital disability when used by women who are pregnant or trying to conceive.

2% Minoxidil solution for women's hair loss
5% Minoxidil solution for men's hair loss

More info:

Minoxidil or Finasteride for male hair loss?
The best type of Minoxidil for female hair loss

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